Wednesday 7 January 2015



Rupya- India, Morishus, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldiu
Rupiyah- Indoneshiya
Dollar- Australia, USA, Canada, Newziland, Zamaica, Liberiya, Singapur, Fizi, Zimbabwey, Taivan
Riyal- Iran, Qatar, Saudi  Arab,
Dinar- Alziriya, Libya, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Jordan
Lira- Turkey, Italy
Peso- Bolivia, Chili, Columbia, Mexico, Portugal,
Pesa- Argentina
Frank- Belgium, Congo, Luxemburg, Malagasy, Rwanda, Senegal, Switzerland, France
Krona- Iceland, Norvey, Sweden
Crone- Denmark
Shilling- Kenya, Iran, Austria, Uganda, Tanzania
Pound- Ireland, Lebanon, Sypris, Egypt
Taka- Bangladesh
Yen- Japan
Won- Korea
                        South Africa- Rand

IBPS Clerk - 4 Result Out

Dear candidates,

IBPS has declared the result of written exam of IBPS Clerk - IV. Please click below link to view your result.

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Monday 5 January 2015

Computer Quiz 2 For SBI Associated Bank Exam

Computer Quiz
1. If you wished to highlight, not hide, some information in a worksheet because it met some criteria, what Excel tool would you use?
1) Table   
2) Format
3) Conditional Format 
4) Filter
5) None of these

2. What Excel tool allows you to create quickly and automatically summary data from a large data set?

1) Conditional formatting 
2) Sorting
3) Pivot tables   4
4) Field lists
5) None of these

3. When creating a custom filer in Excel, which of the following would not be considered a Boolean operator?

1) If   
2) And
3) Or   
4) Not
5) None of these

4. Which of the following is a good habit to get into when creating a worksheet?

1) Placing titles for columns in the first row of data
2) Using conditional formatting to spot spelling errors
3) Inserting comments in each cell to define that data or type of data
4) Grouping records according to some classification
5) None of these

5. What term is used to describe a collection of information that you can use to build reports or discover facts about an environment?

1) Database  
2) Web site
3) Wiki   
4) Relation
5) None of these

6. Microsoft's Access and Corel's Paradox are both examples of which type of software?

1) Network database systems
2) Relational database systems
3) Flat-file database systems
4) Hierarchical database systems
5) None of these

7. What type of graphical model is used to define a database?

1) Flowchart  
2) E-R diagram
3) Organizational model
4) Programming model
5) None of these

8. After you develop a model for your database, you should then _____ it before building it.

1) normalize  
2) design
3) plan   
4) approve
5) None of these

9. Which of the following contains information about the structure of a database?

1) Database management system
2) Data dictionary
3) Data repository  
4) Data warehouse
5) None of these

10. The rules of a language are called its __________.

1) structure  
2) code
3) syntax   
4) rigidity
5) None of these

11. A language that can be written on one platform and executed on another platform is said to be __________.

1) portable  
2) robust
3) third generation 
4) dynamic
5) None of these

12. __________ is Microsoft’s latest entry into the programming arena.

1) Java   
2) .NET
3) Visual Basic  
4) Pascal
5) None of these

13. A next-generation Web content development language, __________ typically refers to a suite of technologies that allow developers to store data in a readable format.

1) HTML   
2) XSL
3) XML   
4) PHP
5) None of these

14. JavaScript was developed by __________ to run inside of web pages.

1) Microsoft  
2) Sun
3) Oracle   
4) Netscape
5) None of these

1. 3
2. 3
3. 1
4. 1
5. 1
6. 1
7. 2
8. 2
9. 1
10. 3
11. 1
12. 2
13. 3
14. 4

Computer Quiz 1 For SBI Associated Bank Exam

Computer Quiz
1. The system unit – 
(1) Coordinates input and output devices
(2) Is the container that houses electronic components.
(3) Is a combination of hardware and software
(4) Controls and manipulates data
(5) Does the arithmetic operation

2. System software – 
(1) Is a programming language.
(2) Is a part of a productivity suite
(3) Is a optional from of software.
(4) Computer manage internal resources
(5) Computer manage internal resources

3. Which of the following could be digital input devices for a computers?
(1) Digital camcorder
(2) Microphone
(3) Scanner
(4) All of the above
(5) None of these

4. Which of the following is contained on chips connected to the system board and is a holding area for data instruction and information? (processed data waiting to be output to secondary storage?
(1) Program
(2) Mouse
(3) Internet
(4) Memory
(5 Modem

5.Microsoft's messenger allows users to – 
(1) To bypass a browser to surf the web.
(2) Create a blog.
(3) Communicate via direct live communication.
(4) Identify and eliminate spam
(5) Make graphic presentation.

6. Portable computer also known as laptop computer, weighting between 4 and 10 pounds is calls is – 
(1) General purpose application
(2) Internet
(3) Scanner
(4) Printer  
(5) Note book computer

7. The main circuit board of the system unit is the – 
(1) Computer program
(2) Control unit
(3) Motherboard
(4) RAM
(5) None of these

8. Storage media such as a CD read and write information using 
(1) A laser beam of red light.
(2) Magnetic dots.
(3) Magnetic strips
(4) All of these
(5) None of these

9. Which of the following is billiath of a second?
(1) Gigabyte 
(2) Terabyte
(3) None second
(4) Microsecond 
(5) Transcend

10. Online marketing is the function of which of the following?
(1) purchase section 
(2) production department
(3) IT department 
(4) Designs section
(5) A collective funcs of all staff

11. Gamepad is an example of – 
(1) Input device
(2) Output device
(3) Software 
(4) Processor
(5 All of these

12. Artificial Intelligence occurred in ____ generation
(1) Fourth  
(2) Fifth
(3) Both 1 and 2
(4) Sixth
(5) None of these

13. WORM stands for 
(1) Write once read many
(2) Wanted once read memory
(3) Wanted original read memory
(4) Write original read memory
(5) None of these

14. In DOS, REM command use for – 
(1) To change the file name
(2) To move the file from one place to another place
(3) To delete file and its content.
(4) To delete folder and its subfolder
(5) None of these

15. Meaning of VIRUS
(1) Very important record user searched
(2) Verify interchanged result until source
(3) Vital information resource under siege
(4) Very important resource under search
(5) None of these


1. 2
2. 4/5
3. 4
4. 4
5. 3
6. 5
7. 3
8. 1
9. 3
10. 3
11. 1
12. 2
13. 1
14. 3
15. 3

Top 14 Events of 2014

Sunday 4 January 2015

The 2011 Census GK Question For SBI Associated Bank Exams

The 2011 Census GK Question For SBI Associated  Bank Exams

            Who is the 2011 Census Commissioner of India?                                            Ans : C. Chandramouli
2.        What is the total population of India according to 2011 census?                             Ans : 121 Crore
3.        Which is the most populous state in India?                                                             Ans : Uttar Pradesh
4.        Which is the least populous state in India?                                                              Ans : Sikkim
5.        What is the rate of growth of population of India according to 2011 census?         Ans : 17.64
6.        Which state has highest fertility rate in India?                                                         Ans : Meghalaya
7.        Literacy rate in India according to Census 2011?                                                    Ans : 74.04%
8.        Male Literacy rate in India according to Census 2011?                                           Ans : 82.14%
9.        Female Literacy rate in India according to Census 2011?                                        Ans : 65.46%
10.     Which is the most literate state in India?                                                                 Ans : Kerala (93.9%)
11.     Which is the least literate state in India?                                                                  Ans : Bihar (63.82%)
12.     Which is the most literate Union territory in India?                                                Ans : Lakswadeep (92.2%)
13.     Which is the least literate Union territory in India?                                                 Ans : Dadar & Nagar Haveli
14.     Which state has high density of population?                                                           Ans : Bihar (1102)
15.     Which state has low density of population?                                                            Ans : Arunachal Pradesh (17)
16.     Which state has highest sex ratio?                                                                           Ans : Kerala (1084/1000)
17.     Which state has lowest sex ratio?                                                                            Ans : Haryana
18.     What is the density of Population of India?                                                             Ans : 382
19.     What is the sex ratio of India?                                                                                 Ans : 940/1000
20.     Which Union territory has highest sex ratio?                                                          Ans : Pondicherry
21.     Which Union territory has lowest sex ratio?                                                           Ans : Lakshadweep
22.     What is the number of districts in India according to census 2011?                        Ans : 640
23.     Which state has highest rural population according to census 2011?                      Ans : Uttar Pradesh
24.     Which state has lowest rural population according to census 2011?                       Ans : Sikkim
25.     Which state has highest urban population according to census 2011?                     Ans : Maharashtra
26.     Which state has lowest urban population according to census 2011?                      Ans : Sikkim

The provisional figures of India’s largest Census 2011 were released in New Delhi on 31st March 2011 by Union Home Secretary GK Pillai and RGI C Chandramouli.
The 15th Census of India and the seventh Census of Independent India-2011 was started on 1st April 2010 with President Pratibha Patil being the first citizen to be enumerated, followed by Vice President  Hamid Ansari.
The estimated cost of the Census was 22 Billion Rupees. The motto of census 2011 was 'Our Census, Our future'.
Census 2011 is the 15 Census of India since 1872. Census 2011 was held in two phases:
i. Houselisting & Housing Census : (April to September 2010)
ii. Population Enumeration (9 th to 28 February 2011)
The population of the country as per the provisional figures of Census 2011 is 1210.19 million of which 623.7 million (51.54%) are males and 586.46 million (48.46%) are females.
The major highlights of the Census 2011 (Provisional figures) are as under:
i. The population of India has increased by more than 181 million during the decade 2001-2011.
ii. Uttar Pradesh (199.5 million) is the most populous State in the country followed by Maharashtra with 112 million.
The percentage decadal growth rates of the six most populous States have declined during 2001-2011 compared to 1991-2001:
Five largest Populous State of the Country
1. Uttar Pradesh
2. Maharashtra
3. Bihar
4. West Bengal
5. Andhra Pradesh
Highest Populous State - Uttar Pradesh
Five least Populous State of the Country
1. Lakshadweep
2. Daman & Diu
3. D & N Haveli
4. A & N islands
5. Sikkim
Least Populous UT - LakshadweepSikkim is the least populous state.
Density of Population (person per sq km)
Density of Population in India

Highest Density in State
Delhi (11297)

Lowest Density in State
Arunachal Pradesh (17)

Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 Males)
Sex ratio in India
Child (0-6 years) sex ratio
Highest sex ratio in state
Kerala (1084)
Lowest sex ratio in UTs
Daman & Diu (618)

Highest child (0-6) sex ratio in state
Mizoram (971)
Lowest child (0-6) sex ratio in state
Haryana (830)

Literacy Rate in India
Total Person Literacy Rate


Highest Literacy Rate in state
Kerala - 93.11%,
Lowest Literacy Rate in state
Bihar -  63.82%.